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3/12/2020 On this day when Americans are being pushed by our "press" to panic about Wuhan virus, worry about our capacity to fight Wuhan virus, doubt how their 401k managers deal with our economic health, and even fight over toilet paper, a PropBlur user sent me a wonderful picture, reminding me that we have a GREAT HOBBY! I just posted the picture Dwayne sent in the PropBlur gallery. Dwayne has generously allowed me to post this to share with all model makers. The reason this touched me - this diorama was made by two very special people - a father and his son. Dwayne created this with the help of his son Jackson. I am very proud to share this with the world. Did I mention we have the best hobby? Let's share more stories (w/ pictures) about building models with your wife / husband / son / daughter / next door neighbor, etc. See Pic in Gallery: Dwayne & Jackson Reiter Stuka 1/48 PropBlur Photo #94 HELICOPTER PropBlurs are here Work has begun on more PropBlurs for Helicopter Rotor Blades. IPMS Nationals - 2019: I gave over 100 PropBlur sampler kits at the 2019 IPMS NATIONALS Should I attend IPMS Nationals in 2020 in Texas as a vendor? Articles about PropBlurs: 1. "How To" article from Mike Wilson: And 2. "Catching the Wire" article by Andrew Root features 1/32nd PropBlurs in Model Aircraft Magazine / Click here |